Saturday, December 23, 2006
It's Almost the END of the Year...
I'm on holidays now and won't be returning to work until the 2nd of January.
I am sooooooooo thankful for that! I need a holiday so badly even though I ain't leaving the country. I don't want to be labelled a workaholic, ya know?
Friday, December 08, 2006
Make Up Your Mind!!!
WTF??? After he said no more last week when I blew him off and opted to spend Friday night with the rest of my family instead of him, he turns around and demands we hook up tonight.
Well since I ain't feeling 100% better, I have to blow him off -- again. He doesn't seem to care much that I am practically attached to my box of Kleenex and that I end up feeling either too cold or too hot.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Under the Weather...
Of course I get to stay at home, BUT I am stuck at home. I can go out, but I feel so weak that I ain't going to enjoy having a bit of fresh air.
I did, however, manage to get a whiff of fresh air when my dad asked me to take a picture of him lying in the snow as well as standing almost knee-deep in snow in our backyard.
Why did he want his pics taken?
He'll be sending it to his friends who hasn't seen snow in their entire life, that's why.
The weather's nice outside. It's still cool, but not too nippy. Hey, I managed to stand it wearing just shorts and my zip-up fleece. But then again, my body temp's on the hot side so that cool air really did me some good. -LoL-
Saturday, October 28, 2006
HE Probably Thinks He's All That!
source: the Edmonton Sun First Light October 28, 2006
Cops were called in Sofia, Bulgaria, after a brawl broke out between 23 teenage girls over a handsome male student.
The girls, aged from 15 to 18, used brass knuckles, chains and beer bottles to fight over the hunky lad.
The girls agreed to duke it out and skipped school to meet up in a local playground. Several of the fesity fillies suffered minor injuries and dozens of passsby witnessed the bashing.
They probably thought it was some kind of unreal reality show.
Reality Show? Hmm...this incident will be a nice concept for those reality-TV addicts out there. But then again, the premise is just...stupid! I ain't bashing reality TV here; I am a fan of it on and off (America's Next Top Model is starting to get me hooked, but I have yet to fully succumb to its allure), but girls beating the crap outta each other over some guy who doesn't even give a whit about 'em? STUPID! That's all I can say.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Can't Wait for the WEEKEND...
Also there's a new girl at work that I am training. I really hate training. I mean, I don't mind helping people out, but to actually sit there and train and...well, every time I end up training someone I keep on hoping and wishing whomever is sitting with me is a dang good fast learner! -LoL-
Now with four days off I wonder what am I gonna do with it?
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Something New...
Simple: I'm bored and I wanna voice out my opinions about shows these days. I find myself watching more and more TiVo than before. Maybe that's the sign that I'm getting old...oh blubber! Anyway, check out Good Show; Bad Show and tell me what you think. Heck, you might or might not agree with me when I talk/complain about some of the shows I watch (or forced to watch in some cases).
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Rainy Day...
Can you think of something more peaceful...more serene...more...romantic than to curl up by the fireplace with your favourite afghan wrapped around yourself, a cup of steaming hot chocolate on the side table, a good romance novel keeping you captivated for hours on end while the rain slowly drizzle outside your window?
No? You can't, can you?
Rainy days is one of my favourite days. But being single when it's raining isn't as nice as when you have someone to cozy-up to underneath the afghan. But a good book and a cup of hot chocolate will suffice as well I suppose...
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Masculine or Feminine?
You Are 59% Feminine, 41% Masculine |
![]() You are in touch with both your feminine and masculine sides. You're sensitive at the right times, but you don't let your emotions overwhelm you. You're not a eunuch, just the best of both genders. |

-sighs- I know there's no way he'll return my feelings. Heck, I doubt I'm even his type. And if what I heard him tell one of our co-workers a few weeks ago was true, then I'd say he's already OFF the market. -sighs- Lucky biatch, whomever she is! -LoL-
But just because he might be off the market doesn't mean I can't look, right? -evil grin- I'll just have him all to myself in my wicked fantasies of him and I....
Sunday, September 03, 2006
I am having all these ideas for it and for the first time I am actually doing up an outline of what the site will have. I am moving it away from how it was setup before and just revamping it so that visitors of the old site (before we got our own domain name) won't be bored. Too bad I don't know flash. :( Nevertheless, I am having fun and it's keeping me busy this next 2 days (initially it was 4 but Friday and Saturday's done so I am left with just Sunday and Monday) to make sure that the site's up and running smoothly.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
All Work and No Play...
Well, not really. I think some people get cranky when work takes on over their entire life.
For a person who lost interest in checking out the bar/club scene long before I turned 21, I look at this one co-worker of mine who seems to love going out pretty much every night. She said it's a way to socialize, mingle and meet men. Well meeting a guy at a bar or some party where booze flows almost freely, I doubt you'll land an honest-to-goodness Mr. Right! Most often than not they're just Mr. RIGHT NOW and after a quick tumble in the sack, you'll be lucky if you hear from him again and he doesn't turn out to be the stalker of the century in your life!!!
I get pissed off coz I work all the effing time and I hardly have any funds to use for my pleasure. Bill payments and whatnots always comes first, and by the time I am all caught-up paying it all there's hardly anything left for me to splurge on something.
What the heck kinda world are we living in now anyway?! You work your arse off for what?! Sometimes you can barely make ends meet. And some people wonder why others hold down how many jobs in one lifetime. -shakes head-
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Music of My Youth...
Browsing YouTube this evening and stumbling across certain videos (mostly fanvids) featuring songs sung by boy bands I used to go crazy over with, I can't believe how time just passed me by. 12 years ago I was going gaga along with a group of my closest gal pals in our old living room in one of our two apartments squealing in girlish glee at the sight of Boyzone performing their current hit song.
Just the other night I was listening to my Backstreet Boys greatest hits album and their very first single, We've Got It Goin' On, was played. I was instantly transported back in time when I was in grade 10 and I ran for my 10th grade student council rep position (which I won, btw). My fellow 'party' members had to perform during our campaign and since we all liked to dance, we wanted to dance to a song that nobody else has used, and since BSB, at the time, was still 'fresh' and their song was just the right teeny-bopperish pop sound, we latched on to it and watched the video for it, copied some of the dance moves and incorporated some of our own.
It was a blast. I was transported back in time yet again to the day two of my closest gal pals went home with me to watch the video and practice the moves. I dunno how long we were practicing, but I remember losing my voice the next day! Over all it was an awesome experience and left quite an imprint in my life...
Friday, August 11, 2006
Gas Price Hike-Up...or Down!
I pulled up at the gas station en route to work this morning coz my baby's nearing empty (don't want that flashing red/orange light driving me nuts telling me I am almost outta gas!!!). I looked at how much gas I still have left and while driving I was thinking how much I'll be spending just to fill 'er up (today's payday and also the day my car insurance and car payment gets taken off -- and however how much I earned this paycheque will just go to pay for those two!!!). I was thinking to myself "Oh, I think $60 bucks will be my full tank." But at the same time I am hoping that I will be spending less.
I got to the gas station, pulled up at the pump, and since they take debit/credit card payments right on the pump, I don't have to go inside and wait in line (if I did I'll probably really late for work). I was asked after I swiped my debit card if I want a fill up, so I said 'yes' and my eyes nearly bogged out when it said it was authorizing for a $110 fill-up!!!!!! I know they're just guesstimating, right? But spending that much to fill up a tank of gas?!?!?!?!?!?!? So yeah, anyway, I remained cool and waited until I was told by the machine to grab the nozzle and start pumping gas. I was watching it and...dangit! For a 53L gas fill up I was a few cents short of a $60, so I kinda slowly filled 'er up and made sure that I spent $60 on gas.
I can't believe I was right about that. Before the cost to fill 'er up when I am close to empty is less than sixty!!! I hope the closing down of that Alaskan pipeline due to leakage ain't gonna cost us all an arm and a leg! I've had it with $1.14/L -- when I started driving way back in '98/'99 the cost per litre was I believe $0.45/L!!!! Well, okay, maybe I was wrong, but there was a point in time when it was that low the cost per litre for gas!!!
This is driving me nuts! Why must they hike up the price then lower it by midday then jack it up again before the end of the day?!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
a So-So Wedding
I've been to how many weddings in my life and each one of 'em I have something to complain about. But nothing too drastic. This wedding, however, is different in a way that it felt like a burden of some sort that I just wanted to get it over and done with and forget about it for as long as I live!
Weddings are supposed to be happy occasions; the blushing bride and the proud groom. When I looked at the bride and groom...well, for starters they don't look like they're glowing! Even when I attended the wedding rehearsal it seemed strained. But maybe that was because I attended the affair with a somewhat closed eyes and an inert anger/annoyance that I don't want to be there. I couldn't find it in myself to be happy for the couple. Maybe in a way I was happy for them, but deep down inside I think they're trying so damn hard to shift the attention towards them (they announced their engagement while we were busy preparing for my brother's wedding last year). Maybe if the timing was right I would've been more receptive of their announcement and actually felt proud and be happy for them.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Of course given the right mood songs and my creative juices are flowing! -LoL- Of course the only fandom I ever write fanfics for is Harry Potter and I ship the fire & ice ship (meaning the Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley ship! -LoL-). You can read it here -- it's entitled Angel of Mine. I initially called it Until You're Back Here for lack of anything else to call it ( I needed a working title so I just picked a random title off the top of my head while listening to BBMak!). Then nearing the end of the first chapter, something I wrote one of the characters thought of struck me as the perfect title for the fic hence calling it what I ended up calling it. -LoL-
Right now with the way things are going I need something to distract me before I end up strangling someone's neck! My cousin's wedding is this weekend and...well, let's just say that I ain't really 100% for it and as much as possible I don't want anything to do with it, but hey, I'm family so I have to be there -- it's only common courtesy too since they were present at my brother's wedding last year. -sighs-
Oh bugger this sense of decorum or whatever you wanna call it!
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Wedded BLISS
Ya'll know a lot of people these days move in together first then later on decides to get hitched, right?
To me moving in together before tying the knot kinda defeats the purpose of you looking forward to spending the rest of your life with the person you married. I mean, you already moved in with him, for Pete's sakes! Isn't the whole point of getting married is for you to enjoy marital bliss with your lifetime partner? Start from the very beginning; get to know each other some more now that you are living as husband and wife legally! Where will all the excitement be in a newlyweds' lives if they'd already been living together like husband and wife before officially tying the knot?
With that said, here is my burning question:
Living Together: MOVE IN BEFORE Getting Married or MOVE IN AFTER Getting Married?
Sunday, July 23, 2006
I am torn, however, on whether to take the languages course I've been wanting to learn for so long OR take a writing course to help me out with my dream to become a published author someday (hopefully someday soon, but I know I have to learn so much more before I get to where I want to be).
Both courses offered are part-time courses and the classes starts after I'm done work during the week. One of the courses are offered on Saturdays, which is way more convenient for me, but the other courses were offered during certain days of the week day.
Hmm...tough decision to make. I need to really think about this carefully. And I have to register ASAP if I want to get in for the fall semester!!!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Tired? I Did SOMETHING About It!
I am still feeling a bit tired today, but when I slept through my alarm clock this morning and I had this nasty headache looming at the back of my head, I knew I needed to call in sick and take a rest. Relax my body, my mind, my everything! Tomorrow I'll be back to my 100% self and...well, hopefully my week will end differently. I kinda didn't like the way this week started off for me. It was slow and...lotsa annoying clients/customers!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Mood Swings
Alternation of a person's emotional state between periods of euphoria and depression. [courtesy of]
Lately I've been having quite a lot of 'mood swing' episodes, especially at work. I often wonder as to what it could be about. Could it be because I am getting so damn effing fed-up with my job that hardly pays me enough to do so many things? Or could it be because I am getting fed-up with some of my co-workers who brings nothing BUT drama to the work place?
I just want to get away and do nothing for a full week. I have a holiday vacation, but that won't be in effect until December this year (yep, the pitfalls of having the lowest hold on seniority at work for full-timers). -sighs-
December looks so far away right now. I need and want to go on at least a week-long holiday! I need to relax my whole body and just...sleep...
Any ideas on how I can relax even though I am working my arse off still? Kinda hard to accomplish, I know, but hey, I'll try it if it will help me get off this ever-changing mood swing wagon of mine.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
ESCORTS: a nicer term for Prostitutes
Monday, July 17, 2006
DIVAS: Tolerable or Annoying?

This term is so loosely used these days it's hilarious how someone can brand themselves a diva regardless of their stature in life.
I work with a so-called 'diva' and I have yet to figure out whether I should get annoyed with her crazy antics and snobbish persona, or should I just ignore her and pretend she doesn't exist?
Of course doing the latter would be harder.
This 'diva' I am talking about happens to be one of those loud-mouths who is filled with so much drama in life she wants everybody to hear her speak her mind out and emphatize with her so-called 'dilemma' in life. Sometimes I am itching to put a sock in her mouth to stop her yapping! She prances around work acting like she's a damn Queen of the World, and gives you this attitude that she's a know it all when in reality she comes off as a very shallow person. Hilarious, really, and she's often the one I end up talking back to just to knock her off a peg or two because her diva-ness is rapidly becoming untolerable, borderlining complete, utter annoying.
We have misconceptions of what a diva truly is. Each person has her own take on what defines a diva.
Me? I ain't no diva. I am just one of those probably gazillion of people wondering what to do with the divas in their lives...
to Dream or Not to Dream
I'm an avid reader who enjoys a good dose of some historical romance fiction or modern day romance stories. I have a vivid imagination and often loses track of time when I'm reading a very engaging novel.
Sometimes I long for the romance I read about, I get so depressed when my reality sinks in. Life can be a bitch thatway, you know?
The romance novels I read gives me ideas on what I want in a relationship, and gives me some insights on what I also want in my man -- whomever he may be! Sometimes I'm afraid I set too much high of a standard I might end up an old maid...
Sunday, July 16, 2006
RESPONSIBILITIES...Take It Away, Please!
Sure adults (from when I was growing up) made it look like life was so simple; anybody would be glad to be considered "of legal age" to do whatever they want, go wherever they want, be with whomever they want to be with. Life looked like one helluva big non-stop party that just goes on and on until someone says stops.
When I was in high school and landed a part-time job at a fast-food restaurant when I was in Grade 11, I didn't think that having a job and getting paid bi-weekly would one day be a crucial part of my life. Soon after I graduated from college and still have a job, life began to take a turn for something I wasn't quite expecting.
Six months down the road after I graduated my monthly student loan payment came and was automatically deducted off my bank account. Then I had to pay for my monthly car insurance (at the time the car I was driving was given to me by my parents so all I had to worry about was the monthly insurance). Then to go with the flow of trends I got myself my very own cell phone. I thought I was cool and hip and happenin', then the monthly bill came and I had to make sure my pay check every two weeks would be enough to cover my cell phone bills, monthly car insurance, monthly student loan payment, and I told my parents I'd be paying for a couple of house bills as part of my payment for staying at home still.
One thing after another kept on adding up until...I felt so damn suffocated and I maxed out my VISA card!!!! It was crazy! I was hating life. I was wishing I never grew up and suffer through this hell that was part of becoming an adult.
Now, a few years later, I finally managed to get out of that slump. I'm not saying I am completely free off my responsibilities as an adult, but I am getting by way better now than I did before. Of course I have to thank my current job for that as well as the help and support of my parents who was only ever after my well-being...
But if I get to be asked if I want more responsibilities, I'd say take 'em away for now. I don't want anymore to make me pull my hairs out!!!