Monday, July 17, 2006

DIVAS: Tolerable or Annoying?

Diva = 1.) PRIMA DONNA; 2.) a usu. glamourous and successful female performer or personality; esp: a popular female singer [source: Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Eleventh Edition]

This term is so loosely used these days it's hilarious how someone can brand themselves a diva regardless of their stature in life.

I work with a so-called 'diva' and I have yet to figure out whether I should get annoyed with her crazy antics and snobbish persona, or should I just ignore her and pretend she doesn't exist?

Of course doing the latter would be harder.



This 'diva' I am talking about happens to be one of those loud-mouths who is filled with so much drama in life she wants everybody to hear her speak her mind out and emphatize with her so-called 'dilemma' in life. Sometimes I am itching to put a sock in her mouth to stop her yapping! She prances around work acting like she's a damn Queen of the World, and gives you this attitude that she's a know it all when in reality she comes off as a very shallow person. Hilarious, really, and she's often the one I end up talking back to just to knock her off a peg or two because her diva-ness is rapidly becoming untolerable, borderlining complete, utter annoying.

We have misconceptions of what a diva truly is. Each person has her own take on what defines a diva.

Me? I ain't no diva. I am just one of those probably gazillion of people wondering what to do with the divas in their lives...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your hottt.

will read post fully soon.

<3 ya!