Sunday, September 10, 2006


OK, Friday at work, I couldn't believe how uber crazy I'd be when I see him in jeans and just a casual top. Granted I saw him once wearing jeans and a sweater after office hours when he came back to work to finish something up (around that time I was stuck working the late shift). But the whole day Friday he was wearing casual attire 'coz he (along with his other co-workers in their department) were moving stuff over to where our department is. They couldn't really move things wearing business attire, could they now?

-sighs- I know there's no way he'll return my feelings. Heck, I doubt I'm even his type. And if what I heard him tell one of our co-workers a few weeks ago was true, then I'd say he's already OFF the market. -sighs- Lucky biatch, whomever she is! -LoL-

But just because he might be off the market doesn't mean I can't look, right? -evil grin- I'll just have him all to myself in my wicked fantasies of him and I....

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