Saturday, July 29, 2006
Wedded BLISS
Ya'll know a lot of people these days move in together first then later on decides to get hitched, right?
To me moving in together before tying the knot kinda defeats the purpose of you looking forward to spending the rest of your life with the person you married. I mean, you already moved in with him, for Pete's sakes! Isn't the whole point of getting married is for you to enjoy marital bliss with your lifetime partner? Start from the very beginning; get to know each other some more now that you are living as husband and wife legally! Where will all the excitement be in a newlyweds' lives if they'd already been living together like husband and wife before officially tying the knot?
With that said, here is my burning question:
Living Together: MOVE IN BEFORE Getting Married or MOVE IN AFTER Getting Married?
Sunday, July 23, 2006
I am torn, however, on whether to take the languages course I've been wanting to learn for so long OR take a writing course to help me out with my dream to become a published author someday (hopefully someday soon, but I know I have to learn so much more before I get to where I want to be).
Both courses offered are part-time courses and the classes starts after I'm done work during the week. One of the courses are offered on Saturdays, which is way more convenient for me, but the other courses were offered during certain days of the week day.
Hmm...tough decision to make. I need to really think about this carefully. And I have to register ASAP if I want to get in for the fall semester!!!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Tired? I Did SOMETHING About It!
I am still feeling a bit tired today, but when I slept through my alarm clock this morning and I had this nasty headache looming at the back of my head, I knew I needed to call in sick and take a rest. Relax my body, my mind, my everything! Tomorrow I'll be back to my 100% self and...well, hopefully my week will end differently. I kinda didn't like the way this week started off for me. It was slow and...lotsa annoying clients/customers!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Mood Swings
Alternation of a person's emotional state between periods of euphoria and depression. [courtesy of]
Lately I've been having quite a lot of 'mood swing' episodes, especially at work. I often wonder as to what it could be about. Could it be because I am getting so damn effing fed-up with my job that hardly pays me enough to do so many things? Or could it be because I am getting fed-up with some of my co-workers who brings nothing BUT drama to the work place?
I just want to get away and do nothing for a full week. I have a holiday vacation, but that won't be in effect until December this year (yep, the pitfalls of having the lowest hold on seniority at work for full-timers). -sighs-
December looks so far away right now. I need and want to go on at least a week-long holiday! I need to relax my whole body and just...sleep...
Any ideas on how I can relax even though I am working my arse off still? Kinda hard to accomplish, I know, but hey, I'll try it if it will help me get off this ever-changing mood swing wagon of mine.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
ESCORTS: a nicer term for Prostitutes
Monday, July 17, 2006
DIVAS: Tolerable or Annoying?

This term is so loosely used these days it's hilarious how someone can brand themselves a diva regardless of their stature in life.
I work with a so-called 'diva' and I have yet to figure out whether I should get annoyed with her crazy antics and snobbish persona, or should I just ignore her and pretend she doesn't exist?
Of course doing the latter would be harder.
This 'diva' I am talking about happens to be one of those loud-mouths who is filled with so much drama in life she wants everybody to hear her speak her mind out and emphatize with her so-called 'dilemma' in life. Sometimes I am itching to put a sock in her mouth to stop her yapping! She prances around work acting like she's a damn Queen of the World, and gives you this attitude that she's a know it all when in reality she comes off as a very shallow person. Hilarious, really, and she's often the one I end up talking back to just to knock her off a peg or two because her diva-ness is rapidly becoming untolerable, borderlining complete, utter annoying.
We have misconceptions of what a diva truly is. Each person has her own take on what defines a diva.
Me? I ain't no diva. I am just one of those probably gazillion of people wondering what to do with the divas in their lives...
to Dream or Not to Dream
I'm an avid reader who enjoys a good dose of some historical romance fiction or modern day romance stories. I have a vivid imagination and often loses track of time when I'm reading a very engaging novel.
Sometimes I long for the romance I read about, I get so depressed when my reality sinks in. Life can be a bitch thatway, you know?
The romance novels I read gives me ideas on what I want in a relationship, and gives me some insights on what I also want in my man -- whomever he may be! Sometimes I'm afraid I set too much high of a standard I might end up an old maid...
Sunday, July 16, 2006
RESPONSIBILITIES...Take It Away, Please!
Sure adults (from when I was growing up) made it look like life was so simple; anybody would be glad to be considered "of legal age" to do whatever they want, go wherever they want, be with whomever they want to be with. Life looked like one helluva big non-stop party that just goes on and on until someone says stops.
When I was in high school and landed a part-time job at a fast-food restaurant when I was in Grade 11, I didn't think that having a job and getting paid bi-weekly would one day be a crucial part of my life. Soon after I graduated from college and still have a job, life began to take a turn for something I wasn't quite expecting.
Six months down the road after I graduated my monthly student loan payment came and was automatically deducted off my bank account. Then I had to pay for my monthly car insurance (at the time the car I was driving was given to me by my parents so all I had to worry about was the monthly insurance). Then to go with the flow of trends I got myself my very own cell phone. I thought I was cool and hip and happenin', then the monthly bill came and I had to make sure my pay check every two weeks would be enough to cover my cell phone bills, monthly car insurance, monthly student loan payment, and I told my parents I'd be paying for a couple of house bills as part of my payment for staying at home still.
One thing after another kept on adding up until...I felt so damn suffocated and I maxed out my VISA card!!!! It was crazy! I was hating life. I was wishing I never grew up and suffer through this hell that was part of becoming an adult.
Now, a few years later, I finally managed to get out of that slump. I'm not saying I am completely free off my responsibilities as an adult, but I am getting by way better now than I did before. Of course I have to thank my current job for that as well as the help and support of my parents who was only ever after my well-being...
But if I get to be asked if I want more responsibilities, I'd say take 'em away for now. I don't want anymore to make me pull my hairs out!!!